Dallas Cowboys NFL Draft Review 2024: Shaping the Future with Precision

Dr. Ian Weisberg
4 min readApr 30, 2024


Coming off a disappointing end to a good season last year and virtually no positive activity in free agency (All in, right?), the draft is where the faithful fans had to put their trust. As a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan, the NFL Draft always feels like an early Christmas and gives high levels of anxiety all at the same time. The anticipation, the debates (concerns), and the eventual revelations — each pick can redefine a team’s trajectory. This year, with the Cowboys maneuvering carefully through their selections, it’s clear that the front office not only addressed immediate needs but also set their sights on long-term success. Among the picks, Tyler Guyton stands out as a strategic masterpiece, perfectly illustrating the Cowboys’ astute and sometimes confusing drafting acumen.

Tyler Guyton: The Cornerstone Pick

With the 29th overall pick in the NFL draft, the arrival of Tyler Guyton could not have been more timely. The void left by Tyron Smith’s departure was palpable, and the need for a robust, reliable presence on the offensive line was a glaring priority. Guyton, who hails from Oklahoma, where he protected the blind side of left-handed quarterback Dillon Gabriel, seems tailor-made for the Cowboys. Although primarily a right tackle in college, his agility and technical prowess hint at a promising adaptability — possibly even transitioning to the left side if needed.

Guyton’s selection is a testament to the Cowboys’ strategic drafting. Placing him at right tackle allows us to maximize Tyler Smith’s potential at left guard, maintaining a formidable front line. What excites me most about Guyton is not just his immediate fit but his upside. His combination of length, agility, and a proven track record of protecting key quarterbacks in high-stakes games gives me confidence that he will evolve into a cornerstone of our offensive line for years to come.

The Surprising Shift: Kneeland’s Arrival

Following the critical offensive pick, the Cowboys threw a curveball by selecting a defensive end — Marshawn Kneeland — in the second round, despite a pressing need for a running back after Tony Pollard’s departure. Kneeland, known for his explosive strength and ability to set the edge, brings a much-needed toughness to our defensive line, which saw significant departures this offseason.

While I was initially perplexed by not addressing the running back position, Kneeland’s profile offers reassurance. His knack for disrupting plays, coupled with his powerful pass-rushing skills, suggests that the Cowboys are investing in a robust defensive strategy, likely focusing on a formidable pass defense to counteract the high-octane offenses in our division.

Further Bolstering the Offensive Line: The Beebe Effect

At pick 73, the selection of Cooper Beebe, an All-American guard from the Big 12, was a clear move to fortify our offensive arsenal further. Positioned to potentially replace Zack Martin, Beebe’s aggressive style and exceptional handwork make him a fearsome presence against any defensive line. His transition from college to the NFL will be crucial, especially in creating opportunities for Dak Prescott to excel under less pressure.

Addressing the Linebacker Corps: Marist Liufau

With the departure of Leighton Vander Esch to retirement, drafting Marist Liufau at pick 87 was a necessary move to inject youth and vigor into our linebacker group. Liufau’s impressive collegiate performance, marked by his range and ability to engage tight ends effectively, suggests he will be instrumental in enhancing our middle-field defense.

Later Rounds: Depth and Development

The later rounds saw a mix of potential and projects. Caelen Carson, despite his lack of college interceptions, shows promise with his physical attributes and instincts. Ryan Flournoy , the wide receiver picked at 216 has some great hands and athletic ability. While the offensive lineman picked at 233, Nathan Thomas’ profile suggests he could develop into a significant contributor with the right coaching. Lastly, Justin Rogers, though a risky choice given his size, represents the kind of gamble that can yield high rewards in the later rounds.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on the 2024 draft, the Cowboys have laid a foundation that could propel us back to the top of the NFC. While some of their NFL draft picks were unexpected (while the recent news about the return of Ezekiel Elliot calms some of those concerns), the focus on building both lines shows a commitment to controlling the game at its most fundamental level — through sheer physical dominance. As these young stars integrate into our system, their development will be key to our aspirations of not just competing but excelling in the coming seasons.

With training camp on the horizon, the excitement is palpable. Watching these young talents transform under the lights at AT&T Stadium will be a spectacle every Cowboys fan looks forward to. Here’s to a new chapter of Cowboys football — filled with promise, potential, and the relentless pursuit of greatness.- Dr. Ian Weisberg

Dr. Ian Weisberg

Originally published at https://drianweisberg.com on April 30, 2024.



Dr. Ian Weisberg

Dr. Ian Weisberg is a Cardiac Electrophysiologist originally from Texas, now living in Florida. Proud father and big time sports enthusiast